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Real Estate Market

Available articles:
Real Estate Market Watch: Tell-Tale Signs of an Imminent Transition
Real estate consumers emerge as the victors in the latest array of real estate bubble headlines. The focus of the media reveals a wide set of information and opinions about real estate markets and practices to the individual property owner and investor. There are several tell-tale indications that hint at the underlying conditions of the real estate market. Real estate professionals may not make explicit mention of them, but the clues do not lie
Raw Land and Real Estate Markets
Despite the collapse in the real estate market for new housing starts and the bursted bubble in so many of America’s largest real estate market not all real estate has slowed to bargain basement prices
America's Real Estate Market Trends
The median home price hit $506,000 in Los Angeles County in March 2006, climbing above the half million dollar mark for the first time in history. That figure is double what the median price for the area was just four years ago.
Real Estate Market Timing
The United States, Canada and all other modern industrial economies experience significant swings in economic activity. In some years most industries are booming and unemployment is low; in other years most industries are operating well below capacity and unemployment is high
The Evolution of Real Estate Market Value
As a real estate professional, I sometimes wonder how many opinions of values are out there when it comes to real properties.
Real Estate Bubble? How to Profit in ANY Real Estate Market
With all the talk of a pending real estate bubble or falling sales prices, real estate investors need to guard their money and find new ways to make money. No matter what the market does, you can make money investing in real estate when you know what to do and what to avoid


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